Keeper Security EPM Guides
Keeper Security Videos and Tutorials
Keeper Quick Guides
Quick Answers to Common Questions
How does Keeper integrate with Iphone and Apple Keychain?
Apple uses a highly proprietary built in password manager. This system does not allow natively any connectors to its database. You can have both the Keeper Enterprise Password Manager and Apple Keychain active at the same time and for most users this might be fine. You can also log into Apple ICloud from a desktop and export the Apple passwords into Keeper EPM and gain the added benefit of the Keeper Zero Trust and Encryption with alternative recovery methods and reporting including BreachWatch. If you choose to import from ICloud be sure to switch to Keeper being the default so all new passwords will be pulled from the Keeper EPM Vault.
Do you have to provision the mobile app?
What is the best way to share passwords you don't want changed by everyone?
Best practice is to share the password/passwords from the administrator as view only and if you want to make someone delegated to be able to update the password give that one user the edit role for the record. A standout feature of the Keeper EPM platform is its ability to customize workflows according to your specific requirements, enabling you to have complete control over how it operates.